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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Still pluggin' away...

Slowly but surely I am making progress in the excavation of the sewing room. It was a huge job, because in the Spring when we were having unexpected company, and the guest room was no where near ready to be inhabited,  DDH decided to get it ready by installing new flooring in both our room, and the guest room.  I had been using the guest room as a temporary sewing room since my floor in my actual sewing room had been installed, but never sanded, and I was waiting to move in until it was sanded and coated because I only intended to move my stash once. Well, you've heard the saying about "Best laid plans"? DDH chose to use pre-finished flooring in the bedrooms, and decided that I had to vacate the soon-to-be-guest room immediately. Everything having to do with my sewing/quilting/fabric hobbies was carted into the sewing room with the still unsanded, unfinished floor, and dumped there. Literally dumped there. It was such a gigantic job to get it under control that I chose to handle it in a very mature and grown up manner. I closed the door and ignored it! I did that for as long as I could, but I just couldn't do it anymore.  I'm trying to go through the stash and cut down on what I have been hanging on to for too long while I'm cleaning. Over the years, my tastes have changed, and I need to get this stuff off the shelves and used up. Winter is coming, (like it or not!) and that is prime sewing time. I need to get things ready to make all of the quilts I've been designing all these months. That was how I satisfied my quilting obsession when I wasn't able to actually sew. I figure between working, and other responsible things I have to do, I should be able to call the room usable in about a week. 

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